Week 15

Discussion questions 
Evaluate the following two ads and tell which one performs better. What are your criteria? Why?
          I would say the first ad performs better because it had 53 clicks and 1,312 impressions (meaning the number of times this advertisement appeared on the individuals screen). The Click Through Rate (CTR) is 3.96% compared to 3.05% for the second advertisement making it a .91% difference (thats a pretty big difference). The cost for the advertisement is twice as much but the audience sees the advertisement more than the second advertisement that costs less. The average Cost Per Click (CPC) is also cheaper than the second advertisement and the conversation is higher by a whole number.

Read the article To Fix Bad Breath, a Gadget Seen on YouTube and answer the following questions: 

Why were the former BYU students unable to create a profitable AdWords campaign to sell the Orabrush?
          They were unable to create a profitable AdWords campaign to sell the product because they hadn’t identified the key search words that users would be directly searching. Using the words like “Better breathe” or “Tongue scraper” would have directed individuals to their product as these key words would have popped up. 

If you were Jeff, and you decided to run Facebook ads for Orabrush, would you send them to orabrush.com or to the YouTube video? Why?
          I would send them to the youtube video where they could find the funny but formal video to the Orabrush. There could be link underneath the video to send the viewers to the website were they could purchase the  Orabrush if they so pleased. Sending them straight to the webpage would just be like all over advertisements and people would be bored and not as entertained as they would be with the video. The video leaves the viewer with a few laughs along with the ability to share the video on their own social media pages making the Orabrush even more known! 

If online advertising and sales were profitable, why did Jeff still want traditional retail distribution for the Orabrush? 

          Traditional retail distribution shows the product to more people than if it were just an online item. People who go to the store will see the product and be able to make a judgment based on the product like other products do as well. Traditional retail also makes the product easily obtainable for those who hate online shopping. The Orabrush could be placed right by the toothbrushes making a consumer wonder what it is and consider purchasing it to improve their dental hygiene care more than ever.

Assignment 5
Choose a small business of your interest (i.e., a family business) and explore how this social media analytics tool could benefit your client.          The business I chose to do for this assignment was originally coffee by design because its a small business, but there wasn’t enough information provided on the website so I chose Dunkin Donuts to get an adequate amount of information for this project. The social media analytics tool could benefit as people are hashtagging about dunking donuts. Others might find a craving for their famous coffee and donuts and find themselves stopping by for a treat. This individual could then hashtag again creating a cycle!

Which buzz words do people use? What are some implications for the social media marketing strategy of the selected business?
          The buzz words people used were coffee, donuts, starbucks, food porn, DD, and Good Morning, along with a few others. Implications for this selected business can be directly known from the hashtags. These are the most commonly used words that are related Dunkin Donuts.

How did the top influencers share the content? How to use Twitter to make your Tweets go viral?
          The top influencers shared the content by tweeting with the hashtags and using a picture typically of the coffee, donut, or both. Using hashtags on twitter can make your tweets go viral because for people interested in that category of hashtag, they can search the hashtag and view what other individuals are saying about the hashtag and even retweeting the tweet causing more people see it.

Explore a tweet of your interest from the following article (https://blog.bufferapp.com/successful-tweets) and explain which one (s) you like the best. Why?

          I personally really like the tweets they are funny or educational. My favorite one was the “procaffeinating” one as I'm a big coffee drinker myself and totally agree to this made up term. My second favorite would have been the “Dounts and social media” because its hilariously / sadly true in the way that this is how social media is portrayed.

Should you include this in next year's course? Why or why not?
          I think its a good way to end the course because its not a super hard assignment giving students enough time and less stress for finals week. It wasn’t my favorite assignment but not the world, so including it at the end would be the best!
